315th Airlift Wing Alumni Association
28th Anniversary lumni Association
  53th Anniversary 315th Airlift Wing

​                                To the 315th Airlift Wing: Active, Retired, Separated, Reassigned & Civilian  

                                 You are invited to join your Alumni Association…the 315th Airlift Wing, CAFB, SC 

                                Some of the pleasures of being a member of the 315th Airlift Wing are the memories                                 and friendships that we develop while serving our country. The alumni association                                 requests your  membership as an alumni or associate of the 315th Airlift Wing.  The                                 mission of the association is to support and foster a continuing relationship among                                 current and former members of the 315th Airlift Wing’s organizations/Units and                                 Squadrons.  Maintain military ties…Staying in Touch!   

                                Eligible for membership:  All assigned active reservists, retirees, civilians and former                                 members who are or were a part of the 315th Airlift Wing Organizations are eligible                                 and invited to become members. Serving in the United States military represents a                                 great honor warranting special respect, tribute, and dedication from your fellow                                 man.   Return your application: 

                                Please select the "JOIN/RENEW" for Application Form link at the side of this page                                 and return the form.  We welcome present and former personnel of the 315th Airlift                                 Wing Organizations/Squadrons to join. The annual dues are $5 per year or                                 discounted $12 for 3 years ($4) or $24 to lock in  6 years.  Staying in touch with our                                 military soldiers, and civilians friends of Charleston AFB through planned events                                 and other activities....return your application today. It’s a pleasure to have you                                 aboard Flight 315. 

Point of Contacts:
President                 Jim Roberts, Col. (Ret)       
Vice President        Andrew Savage, LtCol (Ret)
Treasure                 Traci Johson, MSgt 
Secretary                Vacant
 Chairperson          Vacant
WebMmaster        Tom Clemons, CMSgt (Ret)

This page was last updated: 28 August, 2024
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2023 Schedule Meeting/Luncheon 

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November Newsletter 17

The Next 315 Alumni Board Meeting and Luncheon will be 
Friday, September 6,  with a Burger Burn More information to follow.